to Aug 2

2-Day Workshop, "Introduction to Motivational Interviewing"

NOTE:  The actual workshop dates and times will be determined once we have at least 20 members.

What is the purpose of this workshop?

This workshop is for all helping professionals wanting to better help others create effective change in their life.

Who should come?

It is appropriate for all helping professionals who are working with people who are considering making healthy behavioral changes: physicians, nurses, psychologists, social workers, counselors, nutritionists, health educators, dieticians, managers, probation officers, etc. 

It is appropriate for those with a minimal or a basic understanding of MI, or for those with advanced skills who would benefit from a refresher course.  All are welcome.

What is Motivational Interviewing?

Motivational Interviewing (MI) was developed with the understanding that the helping professional's style of engagement was in large part responsible for either positive or negative client outcomes.  MI incorporates techniques and strategies that increase the probability of positive change.  It is a directive, client-centered approach designed to elicit and sustain healthy behavioral change by assisting individuals in exploring and resolving ambivalence.  It is especially useful for clients who are less motivated to change.   

MI is an empirically supported practice for a wide variety of clients and issues—originally founded in the drug and alcohol field, it now has more than 200 clinical trials offering support for use in a wide range of populations, and for a wide variety of target behaviors—medication compliance, diet and exercise, gambling, smoking cessation, HIV-risky behaviors, treatment engagement, etc.  MI is translated into 47 different languages and used throughout the world.   

What will I learn?

This workshop will provide participants with a strong understanding of the Spirit of MI and a core foundation of the basic skills. 

Participants will

  1. Become familiar with the empirical support for MI. 

  2. Understand and demonstrate the spirit of MI. 

  3. Become familiar with the general Principles of MI. 

  4. Gain tools to develop and enhance one’s own therapeutic style. 

  5. Have increased confidence in the use of MI and eliciting intrinsic motivation for healthy behavioral change. 

  6. Become familiar through practice, feedback, and coding of the following core skills:  using open-ended questions, affirming, reflective listening, summarizing, and identifying and eliciting change talk.   

  7. Learn advanced strategies for increasing interest and confidence to make changes. 

  8. Develop a personal plan to continue practicing and implementing MI into your specific setting.

Who will lead this workshop?

Julie Seel, PhD will provide both the instruction and entertainment. She has led many successful workshops and has received strong reviews for content, instruction, and style.  She trained for many years in Motivational Interviewing with her graduate school mentor and the co-founder of MI, William R. Miller, Ph.D.

She began her graduate school training in Clinical Psychology at the University of New Mexico with a semester long course in MI taught by Bill, weekly MI lab meetings, and several, 2-day MI workshops; co-authored a metanalysis of MI studies with Jennifer Hettema, PhD, and Bill; and used MI as her treatment approach for treating substance use in young people for her doctoral dissertation.  

And she didn’t fully appreciate what a wonderful gift and exactly how powerful it was until she began seeing 8-10 people daily.

Julie is an active member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT) and was a trainer for the Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity (MITI) coding manual. 

She is passionate about: treating people who struggle with such things as moderate to severe anxiety, mood, and/or comorbid substance use disorders; teaching helping professionals to become more effective in motivating healthy behavioral change; and helping professionals find renewed enthusiasm, joy, and commitment to their vocation.   

If you are interested…

Please email,, or call  (919) 908-6465. Also, if you would like Julie to come to your place of work to conduct a workshop, please reach out!


$300, per person.

A limited number of partial scholarships available for those in need—in honor of William R. Miller, PhD, who has given so much and so freely to me, others, and the field of psychology throughout his career.

keep your coins.jpg
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6:00 PM18:00

Free Seminar, "Professional Burnout & PSYOPS"

Why is this seminar offered?

Because life is too short to hate every Monday through Friday, and Sunday afternoons.

Purpose of this seminar

This talk will introduce you to effective solutions to

  • Find renewed joy, confidence, purpose, and meaning in your work.

  • Treat the trauma, fear, depression, and/or anxiety your workplace and management is creating.

  • And if necessary, create motivation and determination to make a course correction so that you can Live Your Professional Life Better.

Who should come?

Anyone with a desire for a happier professional life—or to regain your health, improve your resiliency, and develop better coping skills so that you can stay where you are and thrive, rather than simply survive.

This seminar is appropriate for all professionals—physicians, clinicians, researchers, administrators, CPA’s, lawyers, executives, etc.—who are struggling with burnout, exhaustion, and the subsequent collateral damage to your own health and those around you, for such reasons as,

Within yourself,

  • Loss of meaning

  • Loss of challenge

  • Loss of enthusiasm

  • Loss of confidence (i.e., “imposter syndrome”)

  • A case of “effortless perfectionism

Outside yourself,

  • Workplace emphasis not on the quality of care and/or services—but rather on the quantity of services and the company’s own financial profit

  • Abusive, incompetent, and/or unhealthy management personnel

  • Other poor work conditions

  • A poor, hostile, or toxic work culture

  • A case of “effortless perfectionism” and “protecting the illusion/brand of excellence” at great cost

A word or three on “effortless perfectionism.”

Inside and Out—both people and institutions.

A side effect of great achievement and/or higher ability can be the perceived reflex to project “effortless perfectionism.” 

We have neither “arrived” nor are we “perfect.”  If you feel you have to be perfect, you are operating at a very costly level—your own health and happiness, and likely those all around you.

People and institutions relieve yourself of that illusion—for the sake of yourself, Sweet Baby Jesus, and all those around you.

We are designed to fail. Perfection isn’t possible, and to pretend is not only exhausting to you, but it is exhausting for everyone. “Excellence” requires hard work, failure, and willingness to learn, grow, and change when not right. The strategy of pretending you are perfect and/or getting rid of all the people who express concern, is not perfect; in fact, this strategy is anti-excellent.

Free tip

A psychological effect that affects our behavior is called the “Pratfall Effect.” Simply put, perfection is repulsive. Mistakes are attractive—they make us more human. So, embrace being an authentic human being, it’s sexy and people will like you better.

Petered-out Principle

If you are feeling petered-out, it’s probably because of the Peter Principle. Many managers are not qualified to manage people to begin with, especially when they have no formal training and experience, and/or they get promoted way past their ability to manage well. Their ineptitude often results in using a fear-based, bullying method to try and achieve the mission, and more importantly to protect their positions, consequently leaving the people they are managing wondering if they are on an episode of The Sopranos.

This management style results in a lot of workplace stress, fear, trauma, physical illness, and burnout, and creates significant collateral damage—quality of work goes down, days off go up, turnover is higher, and employee’s personal relationships suffer.

Managers ought to learn to lead better and/or be removed when they cause harm—but that rarely happens. In fact, “self-promoters” often are better protected from correction, get promoted to higher levels of ineptitude and paid more, and do even greater damage in order to protect their own positions.

Therefore, you have to learn self-defense strategies to deal with this unawesome reality.  Work shouldn’t create complex trauma—but it often does.

Come to this seminar to learn how to get your white belt in professional psychological operations (P-PSYOPS).


This seminar is designed to provide a forum for presentation, discussion, and explore the possibilities of becoming a healthier and happier professional—inside and out.

If you are interested in joining…


Seating limited to 25 people, please RSVP to,


Your time

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6:00 PM18:00

Free Seminar, "Living Your Best Life"

Purpose of Seminar

This talk will introduce you to Effective Solutions for Living Life Well.

Who should come?

Anyone with a desire to increase motivation to reach for a better life, improve resiliency, and develop healthier coping skills to do life better.

And for those wanting to learn—or hoping others will learn—how to alleviate suffering due to such issues as

  • Depression and/or anxiety

  • Bipolar

  • Substance use

  • Trauma

  • Stress

  • Emotion dysregulation

  • Interpersonal difficulties

  • Workplace and professional dissatisfaction

  • Discrimination, harassment, etc.

Thoughts & Behaviors

Our thoughts create emotions, that affect our behaviors, and cause us to drift away from our best selves.

As we drift, we have more negative thoughts, which create stronger emotions, and other consequences—such as behaviors we’re not proud of, or ones that take us away from who we want to be. This is natural. And so is our tendency to change towards a much healthier self and move in a more positive direction.

Who will present?

This seminar will discuss the principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Motivational Interviewing (MI).  Julie Seel, Ph.D., an experienced, successful clinician educator and specialist in both modalities of treatment will present.

Julie uses a strength-based approach with proven results focused on fostering emotional wellness to help you Live Life Well. She can help you decrease dis-ease, reconnect with joy in your life, improve resiliency, and reach your full potential.

If you are interested in joining…


Seating limited to 25 people, please RSVP via email to,


Your time.

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6:00 PM18:00

Free Seminar, "Re-thinking 'Mental Illness'"

Purpose of Seminar

This seminar will explore healthier ways to conceptualize interpersonal difficulties, depression, anxiety, trauma, and/or other struggles and stress.

Who should come?

Anyone interested in considering a healthier approach to conceptualizing the idea of “mental illness,” and challenging the typical treatment approach.

What will we discuss?

This seminar will explore the evolutionary functions of language, emotions, and behaviors.  We will discuss how the brain is designed to function and explore how to better work with it, instead of against it.

We will better understand why emotions are important, but also why we shouldn’t believe most of what we feel or think or what we see and hear (except here!).

Learn how to experience emotions and words more accurately so they can better help you in achieving your goals.  

Thoughts & behaviors

Our thoughts create emotions, that effect our behaviors, and cause us to drift away from our best selves.

As we drift, we have more negative thoughts, which create stronger emotions, and other consequences—such as behaviors we’re not proud of, or ones that take us away from who we want to be. This is natural.  And so is our tendency to change towards a much healthier self and move in a more positive direction. 

Who will present?

This seminar will discuss the principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Motivational Interviewing (MI).   Julie Seel, Ph.D., an experienced, successful clinician educator and specialist in both modalities of treatment will present. 

She uses a strength-based approach with proven results focused on fostering emotional wellness to help people Live Life Well.  She enjoys helping people decrease dis-ease by treating the causes of emotional struggles, reconnect with purpose and meaning, improve resiliency, and reach their full potential.

If you are interested in joining…


Seating limited to 25 people, please RSVP via email,


Your time. 


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to Dec 31

4-Week Group, "Re-thinking Addiction"

Re-thinking Addiction, Creating Space for Better Living

NOTE:  The actual workshop dates and times will be determined once we have at least 15 members.

Who is this group for?

This group is for individuals who are experiencing difficulties with addiction-related behaviors and who are considering the possibility of change.

What is this group for?

The purpose of the group is to provide a basic psychotherapy experience for individuals who are interested in learning how to shift their focus from addictive behaviors to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Afterwards, group members might choose to continue with individual therapy at our center or with other community providers who specialize in addiction issues to further explore and work on life skills.

What will we do?
Sessions will be tailored to group member’s interests. However, the following is an initial guideline for session content

  • Psychoeducation of addiction

  • Ambivalence—the art of staying stuck, and how to kick yourself lovingly in the butt to get unstuck

  • Exploring desires, abilities, reasons and needs to change

  • Healthy behaviors—how to create a life incompatible with unhealthy choices

  • The power of expectations + goals, understanding how we live up to—and down—to our own expectations and other’s

  • Envision your best self, and create a plan to eventually meet that cool person

  • Continuing personal growth

When will we meet?

This is a 4-week psychoeducational and skills-based group.  We will meet weekly at a mutually agreeable time for 1-2 hours per session. 

This group will be limited to 20 people—however, we will begin as soon as we have 10 interested members.

What is the treatment approach and who will lead this group?

This group will be based on the principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Motivational Interviewing (MI).  It will be led primarily by Julie Seel, Ph.D., an experienced, successful clinician educator and specialist in both modalities of treatment, as well as in the field of addiction. 

If this group sounds interesting to you…

Please email,, or call,  (919) 908-6465.


Four consecutive Tuesdays from 4:00 to 5:30. 



Limited number of scholarships available for those in need—in honor of so many wonderful people who have courageously struggled with their addiction, eventually overcame their struggle, and taught me so much.

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to Jun 16

6-Week Group, "Thriving with Cancer"

  • Google Calendar ICS

Cancer sucks. Come to this group to learn tools for coping, thriving, choosing, healing, and decision-making.

NOTE:  The start date and times will be determined once we have at least 10 members.

Who is this group for?

This group is for those recently diagnosed with cancer who are having difficulty coping and navigating the decision-making process when faced with multiple medical and surgical options related to this new reality.

Please note

If you are not newly diagnosed but feel a group like this would be helpful to you, or for others who are farther along in their fight against cancer, contact me and we’ll start that group too. Why? Because we can, and we should.

What will we do?

The focus of our group will be on the psychological impact of this diagnosis and how it affects your emotional health, overall well-being, decision making, and your family’s health and well-being, while helping you thrive.

The format will be small group sessions to allow for the development of psychoeducational insights for one’s overall health, as well as provide time for emotional processing and sharing.

Sessions will be tailored to group member’s interests.

Topics offered for discussion include the following

  • The “C” word—dealing with the diagnosis.

  • Refocusing, resiliency, self-care, stress management, values work, and growth.

  • Exploring the benefits of an integrative approach in support of recovery—acupuncture, nutrition, meditation, and oncology massage. Brief presentations by specialists in these areas are available.

  • Surgical possibilities—and the options and impacts on emotional healing.  Brief presentations by oncologists available. 

When will we meet?

This is a 6-week psychoeducational and skills-based group.  We will meet weekly at a mutually agreeable time for 1-2 hours per session. 

This group will be limited to 20 people—however, we will begin as soon as we have 10 interested members.

What is the treatment approach and who will lead this group?

This group will be based on the principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Motivational Interviewing (MI).  It will be led primarily by Julie Seel, Ph.D., an experienced, successful clinician educator and specialist in both modalities of treatment. 

If this group sounds interesting to you…

Please email,, or call  (919) 908-6465.



Scholarships available for those in need—in honor of my mother, Patricia Steele-Dysard.

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to Sep 23

6-Week Program, "Intensive Outpatient Program for Memory Impairment"

  • Google Calendar ICS

NOTE: The start date and times will be determined once we have at least 10 members.

Who is the group for?

This group was created for those wanting to Live Life Well with mild to moderate memory impairment.

It is designed for anyone wanting to

  • Feel more connected with others in similar situations.

  • Live more fully, with a deeper sense of purpose and meaning, while co-existing with memory issues.

  • And learn how to better deal with the resulting depression, anxiety, and/or frustration associated with this new reality. 

This group will resonate well with people who were previously very much in command of their life, but now require the assistance of others.

What will this program offer?

Each group will create its own healthy and interactive group, to include

  • A supportive community with others who are also struggling to remember, but still wanting to be thoughtfully engaged in life.

  • A stimulating, patient environment.  Each session will offer a topic of conversation decided by the group. This topic will be presented using different modalities (seminar, videos, music, expert presentations, hands-on, etc.) delivered in an easily accessible manner. 

  • Opportunities to discover new ways to access and engage in a vibrant, meaningful life.

  • Help in better understanding, adapting, and overcoming the many emotional and behavioral struggles associated with memory impairment.  

  • Help for family members to learn better ways to understand and adapt, so they can be more helpful and healthier in dealing with this new reality.

  • A personalized project based on your strengths, interests, and values. 

    This project will help you remember who you are—but occasionally forget—or whom others may have dismissed “as being lost.” You are still there!

    I will tap you on the shoulder, help you remember, and show you how to experience the essence of your true self again.

Optional Support

For an extra fee—if you are physically able to engage—there is the possibility of working with a caring, intelligent individual who will assist you in engaging safely back into the community and “normal life” activities. This person would offer stimulating company in the afternoons—or on days we are not meeting—arranged according to your own desires and needs.

You would spend time together doing such activities as: shopping for groceries, clothes, or household items; running other errands; visiting friends; going to talks; enjoying musical and/or theater performances; exploring museums; sharing lunch; and/or spending afternoons in the gardens or at the movies.


This intensive program will meet for a six (6) week period:

  • Three (3) times per week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) for three hours each day.

  • One (1) hour of weekly individual therapy. 

  • With optional weekly family group meetings (Wednesday, 6:00pm-7:30pm).

This group will be limited to fifteen (15) people.  Each participant will have sixty (60) hours of group and individual therapy and families will be offered nine (9) additional hours (1 1/2 hours per week).

What will the treatment approach be and who will be the group leader?

Our group will be based on the principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Motivational Interviewing (MI), and led primarily by Julie Seel, Ph.D., an experienced, successful clinician and specialist in both modalities of treatment.  We will also have co-therapist to help lead small groups.

If this group sounds interesting for you, or a loved one,

Please email,, or call  (919) 908-6465.

Cost, $2,800 per person. 

A limited number of partial scholarships available for those in need—in honor of a very special person who is no longer here in body. She and I dreamed up this idea together—one of her many strengths was seeing needs and then creatively delivering solutions. She taught me that CBT and MI can work exceptionally well for those with memory impairment.

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to Sep 18

6-Week Program, "Intensive Outpatient Program for Change"

  • Google Calendar ICS

NOTE: The start date and times will be determined once we have at least 10 members.

Who is this group for?

This program was created for those wanting to Live Life (much) Better, and quickly. It will resonate with those desiring more intensive training to overcome emotional distress, have found the traditional approach too slow or not very effective, and/or for those wanting a more economical solution to getting high-quality care.

It is designed for anyone wanting to

  • Break free from unhealthy habits related to depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, over-eating, substance use, unhealthy relationships, and/or other personal struggles.

  • Develop healthier habits of thinking and behaving.

  • Live more fully with a deeper sense of purpose and meaning.

  • And begin living their best life.

Please note, there will be no requirement to disclose to the group your reasons for participating.

Your behaviors are usually by-products, or symptoms, of something more substantial and important going on. Therefore, we will look beyond your particular expression of struggle, and focus on the causes and functions of those behaviors.

When will we meet?

This intensive program will meet for a six (6) week period

  • Three (3) times per week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) for three hours each day.

  • One (1) hour of weekly individual therapy. 

  • And ninety (90) minute optional weekly family group meeting (Wednesday, 6:00pm-7:30pm).

This group will be limited to twenty (20) people.  Each participant will have sixty (60) hours of group and individual therapy, and families will be offered nine (9) additional hours (1 1/2hours per week).

What is the treatment approach and who will lead this group?

This group will be based on the principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Motivational Interviewing (MI). It will be led primarily by Julie Seel, Ph.D., an experienced, successful clinician educator and specialist in both modalities of treatment. 

If this group sounds interesting to you…

Please email,, or call  (919) 908-6465.

Cost, $2,400 per person. 

A limited number of partial scholarships available for those in need.

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